U.S. Army Airborne School, 3 weeks, Fort Benning, GA.

The Airborne course teaches basic parachuting skills required to infiltrate an objective area by static line airdrop. This course includes ground operations week, tower week, and jump week where you make 5 actual parachute jumps. Personnel who complete this training are awarded the basic parachutist rating and are allowed to wear the coveted parachutist’s wings.
Helpful Links
Official Army Basic Airborne Course Page:
Basic Airborne Course FAQ: http://www.benning.army.mil/common/faqs/AirborneIncomingStudentfaq.html
Reporting Instructions for AF Students: http://www.benning.army.mil/MCoE/airforce/CourseDescriptions.html
The purposes of the Basic Airborne Course (BAC) are to:
1. Qualify the BAC student in the use of the parachute as a means of combat deployment. This qualification is accomplished by:
- Developing the student’s confidence though repetitious training to overcome the student’s natural fear of jumping from an aircraft while in flight.
- Maintaining the level of physical fitness required of a military parachutist through daily physical training.
- Qualifying the student as a parachutist by performing five satisfactory parachute jumps from an aircraft in flight.
2. Develop a sense of leadership, self-confidence, and an aggressive spirit through mental and physical conditioning.
BAC course content and structure:
The BAC is divided into three training weeks: Ground Training Week, Tower Training Week, and Jump Training Week. The training starts at the individual level and progresses to a team effort.
During Ground Week, you begin an intensive program of instruction to build individual airborne skills, prepare you to make a parachute jump, and land safely. You will train on the mock door, the 34-foot tower, and the lateral drift apparatus (LDA). To go forward to Tower Training Week, you must individually qualify on the 34-foot tower, the LDA, and pass all PT requirements.
The individual skills learned during Ground Week are refined during Tower Week and a team effort or “mass exit” concept is added to the training. The apparatuses used this week are the 34-foot towers, the swing landing trainer (SLT), the mock door for mass exit training, and the suspended harness. Tower Week completes your individual skill training and builds team effort skills. To go forward to Jump Training Week you must qualify on the SLT, master the mass exit procedures from the 34-foot tower, and pass all PT requirements.
Successful completion of the previous weeks of training prepares you for Jump Week. Graduation is normally conducted at 1100 on Friday of Jump Week at the south end of Eubanks Field on the Airborne Walk. However, if weather, or some other reason delays the scheduled jumps, graduation may be conducted on Fryar Drop Zone (DZ) after the last jump. Guests and family members are welcome to observe all of the jumps at the DZ, attend the graduation ceremony, and participate in awarding the wings. Fryar DZ is located in Alabama on the Fort Benning Military Reservation. Following graduation you are allowed to depart for leave, or your next duty assignment. Guests and family members may qualify for billeting privileges at the Gavin House on Fort Benning. They can determine their billeting eligibility by calling the Fort Benning Billeting Office at (706) 689-0067. This strip map on the following page shows the route from the Gavin House to Fryar DZ.
For a first hand perspective from an AFSPECWAR airman on the Airborne experience, check out our blog post “The Life of A Cone: Army Airborne”
TITLE: U.S. Army Basic Airborne Course (2E-SI5P/SQIP/011-SQIP)
LOCATION: Fort Benning
LENGTH: 3 weeks (23 Total Days)
Course Description:
NOTE: This course is ONLY for: Active Duty, Air National Guard, and Air Force Reserve students.
The purpose of the Basic Airborne Course (BAC) is to qualify individuals in the use of the parachute as a means of combat deployment and to develop leadership, self confidence, and an aggressive spirit through mental and physical conditioning. The Airborne course is broken down into three one-week phases: Ground Week, Tower Week, and Jump Week. During the Airborne course, you will train alongside every branch of service. The training will culminate in five qualifying jumps from a C-130 Hercules and/or C-17 Globemaster aircraft.

Equipment Required:
1. Three (3) sets of ABU’s with name tapes, service tapes, insignia and patrol cap
2. Two pair of issued combat boots. (no jungle boots)
3. Official Air Force Physical Training Uniform (PTU). NOTE: MUST be Blue and Gray PTU, NOT black and tan or unit specific PT gear!
4. One pair of running shoes.
5. Two heavy-duty combination locks for the Army barracks
6. Common Access Card/Military ID
7. ID Tags
8. Seasonal Required Equipment: October thru March
a. Black watch cap
b. Black issue gloves with liners
c. Gortex jacket with liner and pants
d. Official PTU Blue jacket and pants
NOTE: Eyeglasses will be military issue (2 pair) with retainer strap. Contact lenses are NOT authorized!
UNAUTHORIZED ITEMS: Dietary supplements of any kind are NOT authorized!
Office of Primary Responsibility:
The Air Force Liaison Office is located in the McGinnis-Wilkam Hall, Building 4, 4th Floor, Room 4300. You may contact the Air Force Liaison via email at usarmy.benning.mcoe.mbx.aflno@mail.mil. Telephone contact can be made by calling DSN: 835-9734, 835-2322, 835-9733; commercial: 706-545-9734, 706-545-2322, 706-545-9733 or government cell phone at 706-761-2954. For more information please visit: http://www.benning.army.mil/mcoe/airforce/
1. Must have current Class III Physical that is documented on the DD Form 2808/Report of Medical Examination and DD Form 2992/Medical Recommendations for Flying or Special Operation Duty within 60 months of class start date. Both DD Forms must state “Medically Qualified For Airborne Static Line-Parachute Duty (SL-PD).”
NOTE: If the DD Form 2808 and DD Form 2992 state “Medically Qualified For Airborne Static Line-Parachute Duty (SL-PD) (w/Waiver)” the member must obtain a U.S. Army Infantry School “Medical Waiver.” Medical waiver requests must be submitted NLT 90 days prior to course start date.
2. Members must be less than 36 years of age. If the member is 36 years or older, a U.S. Army Infantry School “Age Waiver” MUST be obtained. Age waiver requests must be submitted NLT 90 days prior to course start date.
IMPORTANT WAIVER PROCESSING INFORMATION: Medical and Age waivers require the “U.S. Army Infantry School Waiver Form” and MUST be signed by an O-5 or higher in the member’s Chain of Command. Once the member’s Commander signs the waiver form, a waiver package must be submitted to the Infantry Commandants office. The waiver package must include the following items:
a. DD Form 2870/HIPAA release form.
b. U.S. Army Infantry School Waiver Form.
c. Completed DD Form 2808, DD Form 2807-1, and DD Form 2992
d. Aeromedical Survey
e. EKG if the member is 36 years or older.
NOTE: Member’s requiring a medical or age waiver, please contact the Air Force Liaison ASAP at 706-761-2954 and refer to the “Waiver processing” tab listed under Student Information on the following U.S. Army MCOE website:
http://www.benning.army.mil/infantry/artb/1-507th/airborne/. When sending waiver packets to the Infantry Commandants office also courtesy copy the Air Force Liaison Office at usarmy.benning.mcoe.mbx.aflno@mail.mil. Students requesting waivers the morning of Airborne in-processing will subsequently be required to return to their
duty station and will not be granted entry into the Airborne course.
3. Must have passing U.S. Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) documented on a DA 705 within 30 days of class start date.
4. Must weigh a minimum of 110 pounds when wearing utility uniform and boots.
5. Must have funded TDY orders with funds site.
6. Must be serving in or moving to a ‘J’ coded position unless member already
possess a jump inherent Air Force Specialty Code.
7. Must have Parachutist Aeronautical Orders from student’s HARM office (OSS Function) providing jump authorization.Q
Reporting Instructions (Supplemental):
Students E-6 and below will report to the 1-507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, (building 2747) located at 7481 Riordan Street, Fort Benning, GA 31905. Students MUST report the Thursday prior to the course start date to check in with Battalion Staff and secure lodging. Students E-7 and above MUST report on Thursday prior to course start date to secure lodging. Students will stay at Abrams Hall (building 1670) located at 7350 Ingersoll Road, Fort Benning, GA 31905. Advanced reservation are not required but can be made by calling Abrams Hall at 706-689-0067 or 706-696-6363. All students will report in uniform Friday at 0745 to the 1-507th Parachute Infantry
Regiment, (building 2747), located at 7481 Riordan Street, Fort Benning GA 31905. Students will in-process at 0800 with the Air Force Liaison prior to starting the Airborne course, regardless of any attachment to an Army unit and/or using an Army ATRRS reservation. All students MUST hand carry the following items:
1. Funded TDY orders (14 copies)
2 Parachutist Aeronautical Orders
3. Class III Physical DD Form 2808
4. DD Form 2992
5. DA Form 702
NOTE: If you submitted a Medical or Age waiver package you must hand carry all required forms for the waiver package listed under the “Prerequisites Section.”Special Notes:
Fort Benning, GA/Office: 706-545-9733 and Cell: 706-761-2954
There are several taxi and shuttle services that travel from the local Columbus Airport and the Atlanta International Airport. The Columbus Metro Airport is approximately 30 minutes from Fort Benning. The Atlanta International Airport is approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes away from Fort Benning. Commercial taxi and bus service are
available on and off post. A government shuttle bus is available on post. Military taxi service is very limited and only for official on-post trips.
Students E-6 and below will be billeted in the assigned Airborne barracks during training. Students E-7 and above will stay at Abrams Hall.
Government dining facilities are available. The closest facility to the Airborne barracks is located in building 2745. Upon in-processing Airborne, all student will be issued a meal card and provided meals 7 days a week.
The course winter season is from October–March. The course summer season is from April–September.
APFT will be administered to the students on the first day of the Airborne course. Students must pass with a score of 180 points (60 points in each event using the 17- 21 year age group scale), complete one flexed-arm hang for 20 seconds, and meet the height and weight standard IAW AR 600-9. Failure of the APFT constitutes a failure of
the entrance exam. Students who fail to meet the established standard will be outprocessed from the course.

APFT standard is as follows:
– Pushups: 2 minutes, 42 male/19 female
– Sit-ups: 2 minutes, 53 male/53 female
– 2 mile run: 15:54 male/18:48 female
– Flex arm hang: 20 sec.
Ground week will be conducted at Mann Field located at Indianhead Rd, building 2575, Fort. Benning, GA 31905. During Ground week students will don and adjust the main and reserve parachutes (T-11), identify components inside a C130/C17 aircraft and respond to actions inside the aircraft using the mock door, exit the 34-foot tower,
execute parachute landing falls, execute parachute landing falls off the lateral drift apparatus, and perform methods of recovery.

Tower week will be conducted at Eubanks Field located at Marchant St, building 1732, Fort Benning, GA 31905. During Tower week students will respond to jump commands (C130/C17) and execute mass exits using the mock door, demonstrate proficiency in fixed-wing aircraft exits from the 34-foot tower wearing combat equipment, demonstrate techniques for deploying the reserve, control the risers from the suspended harness, execute parachute landing falls correctly from the swing landing trainer, and execute a drop from the 250-foot free tower.

Jump week will be conducted at McCarthy Hall located at 82nd Division Rd, building 2401, Fort Benning, GA 31905. During Jump week students will correctly don and adjust the parachute, reserve, and combat equipment, respond to jump commands inside an aircraft, control body position after jumping from an aircraft until parachute opening shock, control the parachute during descent, execute a parachute landing fall, and control the parachute upon landing while making five qualifying parachute jumps from an aircraft in flight.
Map of Main Post:
Post Dining Facilities:
Training Calendar:
Location Information:
Fort Benning USA
Columbus, GA 31905
Note: Course announcements have precedence over these instructions. Follow any specific guidance provided in course announcements. The parent unit of ANY student attending ANY course at this school MUST provide the following information for EACH and EVERY student – SSN, FULL NAME, GRADE, GENDER, COMPLETE DUTY ADDRESS, COMPLETE DUTY TITLE, SECURITY CLEARANCE AND JOB SERIES (IF CIVILIAN) – this info must be provided to the MAJCOM, who will forward it to the appropriate course programmer, as soon as the student is entered in OTA. This info should be provided NLT 45 days prior to class reporting date. Failure to comply with these requirements could lead to cancellation of the quota(s). THIS REQUIREMENT IS NOT AN AF REQUIREMENT BUT A REQUIREMENT OF THE ARMY TRAINING SYSTEM (ATRRS) AND MUST BE ADHERED TO. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!