AFSPECWAR IFT test (formerly the PAST) – AF Special Warfare

AFSPECWAR IFT test (formerly the PAST)

The Initial Fitness Test (IFT) represents the minimum entrance standards for Special Warfare, SERE and EOD career fields. The IFT must be successfully completed prior to:

1- Award of a Special Warfare Open Enlistment contract

2- The start of Special Warfare preparation courses

3- Cross-training into a Special Warfare AFSC as part of the retraining package or prior service

THE IFT Standards and Current Worksheet

1) The Initial Fitness Test (IFT), dated 1 Nov 2021, (formerly known as the PAST test) contains the standards for Special Warfare Open Enlistment (SWOE), PJ, CCT, SR, TACP Special Warfare retraining/prior service candidates, TACP-Officer, Combat Rescue Officer/Special Tactics Officer, SERE and EOD all on one worksheet.

PAST test Preview 2020
IFT Worksheet


Video Instructions


The IFT instructions are now located on the second page of the IFT worksheet.

  • A guide to the codes in block 1:
    • NPS: Non-Prior Service. Those that have no prior military service time.
    • PS: Prior Service. Those that have non-Air Force prior military service time (eg. Army, Navy, Marines)
    • Ret/Crossflow: Retrainee or Crossflow. Current Air Force members seeking to retrain
    • AD: Active Duty. Applying for an active duty position
    • Guard/Reserve: Applying for a guard/reserve position
  • The IFT must be completed with strict form standards. Complying with the IFT instructions is essential. An applicant or the administrator does themselves no favors if they allow sloppy calisthenics form in order to pass an individual. Special Warfare instructors at the entrance courses will weed applicants out if their form is not perfect.
  • Successful completion of the IFT should not be used as a gauge whether you will be successful or not during the pipeline. Applicants should aim to far exceed the IFT standards. (Example: A PJ/CCT/SR recruit should not consider 25m underwaters at a 3 min interval an acceptable standard. They should train for 1:30 min underwater intervals prior to starting the course if they hope to have a good shot at graduating.)
    • Looking for workout programming designed to exceed IFT standards & succeed at Assessment & Selection? We highly recommend Team ST. See why Coach AN’s team has been so successful.
team st

10 thoughts on “AFSPECWAR IFT test (formerly the PAST)”

  1. Currently in DEP, as of January 2019 the new PAST standards for PJ, CCT and SOWT(SR) are –
    In order:
    Pullups – 8
    Situps – 50
    Pushups – 40
    Run – 10:20
    2x Underwaters
    Swim – 12:30

    These are the new minimums and candidates are prioritized by performance. If you want a ship date you should still be aiming for more competitive numbers.

    1. Thanks for the post and we were tracking the updated PAST standards. Officially, the PAST numbers did not take effect until February 1st, 2019- which is why we hadn’t posted an update until now.

    2. Currently training daily for endurance/strength to cross-train into CCT. Glad to see some more updated information on the minimums. I was reading in some AFSOC forums that AF cross-trainees complete a different set of PAST eligibility requirements though. Can anyone confirm or deny this? Obviously I’m not trying to just skimp by, but I’d like to know what I’m going to be completing for my training.

  2. I know Special Reconnaissance (SR) has been newly founded from SOWT. Is there any information on this new MOS?

  3. I am looking to go active duty SR after I ETS from the Army National Guard in April of next year. Regarding the PAST test, I am confident I can meet and exceed the standards for Pullups, Pushups, Situps, and the run however I do not have easy access to a pool. I believe I would be able to make the swim events by the skin of my teeth. Are the standards for the PAST test for prior service members expected to be met prior to attending the special warfare prep course or would there be opportunity to improve swim times during the course?

    1. If you show up to prep or A&S barely passing the PAST standards, you will most likely fail. Do NOT rely on prep to get you near standards because it’s not going to happen- you need to be ready beforehand. Additionally, A&S has very little to do with freestyle swimming but more to do with underwater confidence. Regardless, you need to find a pool if you want any chance of being successful.

      1. Thank you. I was tracking on prep not being meant as a tool to get me ready and meeting the standard but was curious about it being an opportunity to improve my Achilles heel (swimming) prior to A&S. Regarding the gentleman below however it was my understanding that prior service still attends BA prep. I would like further clarification on the matter.

    2. I’m currently active duty Army and from what I have been told, all prior service do not attend the BA Prep. It is reserved for new recruits. Prior go straight to phase II / A&S (depending on if you’re going the enlisted or officer route) which means you better be able to perform ahead of the new recruits as you’ll be expected to be a leader from day 1 having had military experience.

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