Training Gear – AF Special Warfare

Training Gear

Large Full Face Mask

The Aqua Lung Atlantis Full Face Mask is critical to mastering all aspects of underwater confidence.  This mask is a little pricey, but well worth the cost.  If you are going to have only one item to train with, this is it.


Grabbing the right snorkel is critical for buddy breathing and mask/snorkel recovery success.   This snorkel is the exact model utilized at A&S and Pre-Scuba. 

Rocket Fins

Finning with stiff Rocket style fins is an experience that cannot be replicated with substitution.  Your legs and feet will need to experience the suck of fin swimming with these prior to selection.  
PRO TIP: The size large will fit 90% of guys and these fins must be used with booties.

Zippered Dive Bootie​

At selection, booties aren’t just used for finning.  An easy way to make underwaters (or any pool event) more challenging is by slapping on these.  This pair works perfect with the Rocket fins.

Underwater Demolition Team (UDT) Shorts

UDT shorts have been the staple of special operations water operations for decades. Swim in the same gear utilized A&S and Air Force Dive School recruits.

Nylon Weight Belt w/ Buckle

Weight belt for the arduous weight belt swims and ditch & don.  This belt also has a clasp that can be difficult to manage while performing ditch & dons, exactly like at A&S, pre-dive and dive school.
PRO TIP: When using the weight belt, always place the clasp on the left side when wearing it, so you form a right-hand quick release.

4 lb Lace Thru Dive Weight

A weight belt is useless without weights.  Grab 4 of these Uncoated Lace Thru Style Hard Weights, 4 Pounds to get 16 lbs total.  When starting out, we recommend going with 8 lbs and working up to 16.
Alternatively, you can get 4 of the Coated Lace-Thru weights at the same price.

7mm Accessory Cord​

Underwater knot tying is a skill that takes finesse and repetitiveness to master.  Use this cord to learn the square knot, inside bowline, girth hitch w/ an extra turn and the single fisherman’s knot.  TIP: Buy the 20′ or 30′ length and cut out two equal pieces of 36″ each for your knot tying.  Use the rest of the rope as your line that you will tie the knots around.

Stretch Cordz Swim Trainer

Designed to emulate a swimming pull, StrechCordz with Paddles, improves swim times and trains swimmers to keep their hands in a flat, relaxed position. Used by the U.S. Olympic Swim Team to improve swim times.

Note: The StretchCordz Paddles come in different colors/resistance. We recommend the YELLOW bands for beginner/intermediate or high-rep work. We recommend the GREEN bands for advanced or low-rep work. For a cord system with even more options, check out the StretchCordz Modular Set.

Questions about getting the full potential out of your gear?  Visit the AFSpecialWarfare Forums for info/questions/tips.