117. Quickie
Recent LLs from training.
Recent LLs from training.
Moffet puts on an annual PJ paramedic recertification course in Tahoe. Here are some lessons learned (LLs) and foot stomps for Pararescue Medicine. Emphasis on care under fire and TCCC. Check with Moffet in the summer if you are interested in their course in the beautiful, mountainous woods of South Lake Tahoe. Merry Christmas- Happy …
In the fourth installation of the TAMAR Rescue another PJ discusses the medical care in more detail provided for the two patients. PJs from around the Nation are supporting Rescue Ops in Texas as this is aired. Think of and pray for all the victims and responders. http://www.newsday.com/long-island/suffolk/li-national-guard-members-deployed-to-help-harvey-rescue-missions-1.14097670
In the third installation of the TAMAR rescue, after infil and ship boarding are complete, Jordan gives an overview of the medical care including the complicated surgical airway.
Lee discusses the Patrick ocean jump mission, extra bundles for med gear, providing care in the X in a raft, transferring to the zodiac and subsequent ship boarding. They were later hoisted out by their 60s. He reviews the prolonged care provided. Lets think about adding saran wrap back in the kits for maritime missions …
91. The Patrick Jump Mission for a Sailor with burns Read More »
In part 2 Doc Chung discusses ventilator issues, wound care and escharotomy, special circumstances including chemical, electric and steam injuries. NOTE: a lot of information relevant to our mission such as a maritime response, where we get to the patient 24-48 hours after injury, where there is no real guidance, is discussed and revised.
In light of last week’s Moody jump mission in the Atlantic, we are doing a more in-depth discussion on burns. Burns are one of the top three injuries that teams perform maritime rescue for. Doc Chung also served as a telecon consultant for our ROC Doc. In Part 1 of 2 with Doc (LTC) Chung, …
48. Update on burn care with Doc Chung- Army Burn ICU Doc Read More »
Gabe Corey is a retired PJ who began formal PFC/extended care training for one of our teams. In this podcast we discuss the impetus for, principles of, and challenges facing Pararescue in extended care training.